domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010


Sam, I’m aware that what I know from life is told having a cup of coffee, that it is understood having a drink and it is forgotten having a couple, but there is something I would like to remind you:
WAKE UP…breathe, look, hear, touch…
Yes, you are here…every minute of your life is yours; and if you can read what I’m writing here is because you are lucky for being born in the hunter part of the world.
STAND UP…smell, watch, listen, feel…
The World is out there, waiting for you to decide if it eats you or if you eat it.
And decide quickly, because Life is made up of time, and if you lose it, you will lose Life too.
If you decide to eat it, I’ll remind you that Life is a synonym of fight, taking into account everything that this entails. So, I dare you to wake up, to stand up, to move…to take a look at the mirror and face your reality…
I dare you to watch all the homeless on the street
I dare you to see how we destroy the world and to fear for those who will live its consequences
I dare you to see children with old features
I dare you to love some people, to hate others and to see how they all die
I dare you to be betrayed, and to criticize it
I dare you to betray, and to see how much of a hypocrite you were
I dare you to be disappointed, and to feel bad about it
I dare you to disappoint, and to feel worse
I dare you to be afraid of everything, even to be afraid of yourself.
I dare you to fall down…
I dare you to learn from those who have reached their goals because they’ve fought
I dare you to see how, despite of everything, the breaking dawn is still free, and to smile
I dare you to watch two elderly people looking each other with the same love of 50 years ago, and to be deeply moved
I dare you to get wherever you get, and to be proud of who you are.
I dare you to love, and to be loved in return
I dare you to trust, and having it been worthwhile
I dare you to be trusted, and to know how valuable you are
I dare you to laugh until you cry, and to cry until you laugh, sooner or later
I dare you to lift yourself up from the floor…
And to all that things that Life is… as a bitch, as a goddess…
But, if you decide it eats you, I’ll remind you Death is a synonym of peace, it’s easy…it is the same as letting the world devour you. So, Sam, I dare you to take a gun and pull the trigger…
You cannot, can you? Hence, LIVE, and do it right this time. How? I don’t know how to live either, I’m just improvising.
But, from the little I know from life, I can tell you that the secret is not to stop, to know who you are, always be yourself, and to have someone who loves you because of it… So that when the last day of your existence comes, you will take a look behind and, watching it all, say: “Oh, my God, what a wonderful life”… and, only then, PEACE.

domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010

I'm SMALL and the world is BIG, but I'm not afraid of ANYTHING

I will use the first entry to say to you all that I can't help you by writing in Spanish, but rather in English. This is because I study Translation and Interpretation and my English teacher wants us to write 4000 words in our own personal blog.
So I’m also using this entry to translate a few quotes that have helped me throughout my life. Enjoy them.

Dying…if that’s the price I have to pay for living, I’ve never bought anything cheaper (vV).

Lately, I've been reflecting on Death and I’ve reached the conclusion that is our very smallest worry (Bacon).

I prefer dying standing up, than living kneeling.

There are just two things infinite: Universe and human stupidity, and I am not sure about the Universe (Einstein).

Do you love life? So don’t waste time, because it is what life is made of.

Who do u think would attend your funeral? It will depend on how you have lived (Coca-Cola AD).

Success is having what you desire; Happiness is desiring what you have.

Life is several blows, and just one is Death (Miguel Hernández).
Beauty isn't based on what you can create, but rather in what you are able to transmit (Txus di Felliato).

I hate what you are saying, but I will fight to my Death for your right to say it (Voltaire).

Never wear your best jeans when you go out to fight for Peace and Liberty (Henrix Ibes).

If you cry because you have lost the Sun, the tears won’t let you to see the stars (Rabindranath Tagore).

Everybody makes mistakes. That’s why they put erasers on pencils (The Simpsons).

In a war, the first two drops are Justice and Love (Txus di Felliato).

There’s only one duty, being happy (Diderot).

You're your words' slave and your silences' owner.

Half of the world has something to say, but it can’t; the other half doesn’t have anything to say, but it never shuts up (Robert Lee Frost).

I'm told: “If you see a slave who's sleeping, don't wake him up, as he could be dreaming about freedom”
I answer: “If you see a slave who's sleeping, wake him up and talk to him about freedom”.

The Devil remains in details. If you don’t pay attention to them, he wins (vV).

Violence is the fear to the others’ principles. (Gandhi).

When you’ve reached the bottom, you can only go upward.

Love grants people the power to destroy you (Stephenie Meyer).

It's impossible to pass through a crowd with Truth's Flame without burning someone's beard...and you'll probably provoke a fire (Lichtenberg).

 It's better to keep your mouth closed and look like an idiot than to open it and clear all doubts up (Groucho Marx).

We must forgive ourselves for everything we didn’t do well, and go ahead (vV).